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Computer Application Training

不伦瑞克社区学院的经济和劳动力发展部门为最流行的计算机软件应用程序和生产力工具提供教育培训. 如果你是雇主,想要现场授课, we can design training to fit your business training needs. Our courses include:

CompTIA A+

如果你正准备成为一名初级信息技术(IT)专业人员或个人电脑(PC)服务技术人员, CompTIA®A+®课程是您准备的第一步. 本课程将以您现有的用户级知识和个人计算机软件和硬件的经验为基础,介绍您将在工作中使用的基本技能和概念. In this course, 您将获得安装所需的基本技能和信息, upgrade, repair, configure, troubleshoot, optimize, 对基本的个人电脑硬件和操作系统进行预防性维护.
The CompTIA A+ course can benefit you in two ways. 无论你是在移动或企业环境中工作或计划工作,你都需要与客户进行高水平的面对面互动, 客户沟通和客户培训在哪里是重要的, 或者在客户交互有限且强调硬件活动的环境中, 本课程提供成为一名成功的a +技师所需的背景知识和技能. 如果你准备参加CompTIA A+认证考试,它也可以帮助你, objectives (exam numbers 220-901, 220-902), in order to become a CompTIA A+ Certified Professional.
Prerequisite: None.

CompTIA Network+ Security Certification

本课程将教给您必要的技能和知识,帮助您准备参加由计算机技术行业协会(CompTIA)管理的网络+认证考试。. 网络+认证计划涵盖了当今最常用的网络技术. 它还介绍了数据网络的基本概念, 例如开放系统互连(OSI)参考模型和在各个模型层上运行的协议. 通过网络+认证考试意味着你拥有作为计算机网络专业人员所需的基本知识和技能.

Computer Use Skills

本课程旨在为失业的成人提供就业技能培训, underemployed, or facing a career transition. Students will: develop a moderate comfort level of basic computer use skills; use technology to implement job search strategies; and compile employment-related documents (resume, cover letters).

Microsoft Office

本课程将教你使用微软办公软件所需的基本技能. 在本课程中,您将向个人介绍MS Word进行文字处理, MS Excel for spreadsheets, MS PowerPoint for creating computerized presentations, 用于桌面发布的MS Publisher和用于数据库管理的MS Access. Book and flash drive are required.

QuickBooks Advanced

本课程将帮助您更有效,准确地使用QuickBooks Pro 2015工作. 本课程是为那些寻求验证他们的技能和推进他们的职业生涯的个人. 凭据使个人能够挖掘QuickBooks软件的全部特性和功能, resulting in increased academic and job performance, Individual differentiation and personal confidence.

QuickBooks for Beginners

本课程是为对程序知之甚少或一无所知的初学者设计的. Participants will learn how to set-up a company, navigate through the program, use lists, pay bills, invoice customers, reconcile bank accounts, create an account for credit cards, and pay employees. Students should have basic computer skills. A flash drive required on the first night of class.

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